Planting plants in the Water Park

        Marshy and aquatic plants were planted in the ponds of the Water Park on 22 – 23th June 2022. 

       Plastic, openwork baskets were lined with jute bags. Seedlings were placed in baskets and covered with substrate for marshy and aquatic plants, containing starter fertilizer. The whole was covered with river sand in order to prevent the seedlings and the substrate from being washed away by water. Seedlings in the baskets were then placed in the main pond at a water depth of 15 – 30 cm. The following plant species were planted:

1. Common reed Phragmites australis

2. Broadleaf cattail Typha latifolia

3. Needle spikerush Eleocharis acicularis

4. Mare’s tail Hippuris vulgaris

      Water pineapple Stratiotes aloides is a floating and submerged plant, so it did not require preparation of baskets with substrate. Accordingly, its individuals were simply thrown into water in various places of the main pond.