7th Scientific Conference on Management in River Valleys in NATURA 2000 Areas in Koryciny
The 7th Scientific Conference on Management in River Valleys in NATURA 2000 Areas was held in Koryciny on 15-17th June 2023. This year’s topic of the conference was ecological catastrophes and management in NATURA 2000 areas. The conference was linked to the celebration of the 85th anniversary of dr hab. dr hab. inż. Henryk Pawłat. The conference was organised by the Department of Environmental Improvement, the Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, and the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Poznań University of Life Sciences (NATURA-lnie z pasją). The Water Centre’s employees were involved in a conference organisational committee: dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska (a chairwoman) and dr inż. Andrzej Brandyk (a member).
The conference was divided into plenary and paper sessions. Dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska co-chaired the paper session II. The Water Centre’s employees were authors or co-authors of the following issues:
1. The conditions of water management in selected valley systems (delivered by dr inż. Andrzej Brandyk).
2. Will the implementation of the circular economy model in the commune contribute to minimising the amount of waste? (delivered by dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska, co-authors: dr hab. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Sas, prof. SGGW, SGGW and dr inż. Marcin J. Małuszyński).
3. How can we help with waste management in a commune? (delivered by dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska, co-authors: mgr inż. Natalia Kołodziejczak, dr hab. inż. Edyta Hewelke, dr inż. Marcin J. Małuszyński, mgr inż. Mateusz Olesiński).
4. The content of mercury in soils and plants in selected parts of the Nadliwiec refuge (delivered by dr inż. Marcin J. Małuszyński, co-authors: dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska, dr hab. inż. Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz, prof. SGGW, dr hab. Paweł Oglęcki).
5. The impact of beaver dams on water retention in rivers and trenches in the Natura 2000 Soleckie Meadows (delivered by dr hab. inż. Ryszard Oleszczuk, co-authors: dr inż. Janusz Urbański, dr hab. dr hab. inż. Bogumiła Pawluśkiewicz, prof. SGGW, dr Jan Jadczyszyn, dr inż. Marcin J. Małuszyński, dr inż. Ilona Małuszyńska, dr hab. Sławomir Bajkowski).